When boredom looms and the weather's hot, get everyone involved in summer crafts for kids. Kids are always excited to be free from the school routine when they are let out for summer break, but it isn't long until they start wondering what to do. Summer crafts for kids will keep them occupied and maybe even teach them a thing or two.
In summer, crafts for kids can involve found objects, like seed pods, grasses, and similar objects. Let kids create nature collection collages by gluing these items to a stiff piece of cardboard. Help them spray paint some of the findings with silver or gold paint. Alternatively, they might like to glue glitter to some of the findings. Perhaps they would also enjoy collecting wild flower seed heads and creating dried flower arrangements. Arrange the bouquet in a homemade vase.
A vase for summer bouquets, fresh or dried, is another craft that naturally fits into the summer crafts for kids category. A simple vase can be made from a tin can. Soup cans work particularly well because they are smooth on the outside and rather narrow. Be sure to file off any sharp spurs on the inside opening. Start the work of art by cutting a piece of construction paper or other colored paper to fit around the sides of the can. This will be glued to the outside of the can, but first it needs to be decorated.
The vase cover can be decorated in many ways. The child can draw a summer scene on the paper and then decorate it with glued on glitter or small stickers of summer things. Another idea is for the child to write their name in large letters, and glue beans, seeds, or glitter to the letters. Let all glue dry before attaching the paper to the outside of the can. Add water and fresh flowers or leave dry for dry flowers.
You can also use the can for a trinket container or a place to put pens, pencils, and markers. To make them real summer crafts for kids, glue grass seed heads and found seed pods to the paper in a decorative way.
Jar vases make good summer crafts for kids, too. Canning jars make particularly cute vases, but any cast off mayonnaise, pickle, or other jar, even plastic ones, can work, too. To make a jar into a vase it first needs to be sparkling clean. Kids love getting wet in the summer, so let them roll up their sleeves (or put on a bathing suit!) and have fun splashing at the sink while "washing dishes." When the jar is clean and dry, tie an attractive ribbon around the opening. If desired, decorate the outside of the jar with glued on beads and buttons.
Summer crafts for kids will provide some cute decorations around the home and keep the kids from being bored. This summer, crafts for kids should be at the top of every parent's To Do list!
By using the Internet, we can access science encyclopedias from the comfort of our homes. We don’t have to travel to the library to review the reference section for books that we aren’t allowed to remove from the building. There are thousands of sites referring to science encyclopedias on the web. Below, we will discuss a few of them.
The first site we will review is http://www.oup.co.uk/oxed/children/oise/. This site belongs to the Oxford University Press and is named the...
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By using the Internet, we can access science encyclopedias from the comfort of our homes. We don’t have to travel to the library to review the reference section for books that we aren’t allowed to remove from the building. There are thousands of sites referring to science encyclopedias on the web. Below, we will discuss a few of them.
The first site we will review is http://www.oup.co.uk/oxed/children/oise/. This site belongs to the Oxford University Press and is named the Oxford Illustrated Science Encyclopedia. The home page is a beautiful array of object and color. Having special selections for children, this site will keep you jumping from one category to the next. Check out the “Test Your Knowledge” section. You might be surprised at just how much you remember from school! This is one of my favorite sites, because it is easy to use and very visual. It also boasts free pictures.
WWW.allrefer.com does just what its name implies. It refers you to another site which refers you to another site which refers you to another site, and so on. While there are some interesting items to be found on this site, I am not particularly crazy about the sterility of the site. It is also ad-driven and pop-up dominated. Therefore, be sure you have your pop-up blocker installed and turned on. Otherwise, your attempt to find information will be futile.
Eric Weisstein’s Treasure Troves of Science offers a comprehensive science encyclopedia and can be found at http://www.treasure-troves.com. You can view such topics as astronomy, math and music. This site does not use pop-ups and is easily navigated. However, the graphics are minimal, to say the least. I would suggest this site for the more advanced user. Since it does not contain very many pictures, it may not hold a child’s interest as much as it would an adult’s. I found this site to be very informative and useful.
One of the sites I reviewed is http://www.science.enotes.com. This site is not free, but it is certainly worth the $9.95 per month to use the “science pass”. The “science pass” will give you full access to all the information you require. When you pull up the information, the site only allows a tidbit to be revealed thus requiring the pass. It would be much more lucrative to purchase the yearly pass for $29.95. There is also an option to purchase passes for the entire http://enotes.com site. This informative site would be well worth the money.
A great reference guide for science and technology can be found at http://www.refdesk.com. This site supplies great references and graphics.
Though these are just a few of the thousands of other sites when it comes to dealing with all the science encyclopedias that are available on the net, I hope this information has helped will help you make an informed decision on your first stop at the World Wide Web.
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